My Starlight

My name is Anya. I am a High Priestess, metaphysicist, artist, and global thought-leader. I honor my royal Anunnaki lineage and embrace my Divine Feminine path at Art of Goddess (www.artofgoddess.com). I fully understand my power, elevating consciousness at the personal, interplanetary, intergalactic, and multiversal levels.
My non-physical abilities are inclusive of the following:
Telepathy, psychokinesis, psychometry, past-time regression, future-time progression, timeline realignment, multi-location (ie- bilocation), dowsing, energy healing, remote viewing, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairvoyance, channeling, mediumship, interdimensional travel, astral travel, collective metacognition.
As an advanced yogi, I have achieved full mastery of all my siddhis (in the Yogic tradition, siddhis are supernatural abilities that may be attained as a result of spiritual development with continuous practice), including:
Anima/Mahima - Shrinking/expanding in form
Aparajayah - Remaining unconquered
Prakamya - Manifesting desires into reality
Isitva - Influencing nature by willpower
Yathā saṅkalpa saṁsiddhi - Perfect accomplishment of one's determination
Dūraśravaṇa - Hearing things far away
Dūradarśanam - Seeing things far away
Prati-Prasava - Past-life recall (I transpersonally remember my past-lives that took place in various star-systems and galaxies, as well as on Planet Earth (Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Andalusia, Indus Valley, and many other great civilizations).
Vasitva - Full elemental command (commanding the elements) - excellence in rearranging subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) into various vibrational configurations.
Individually, I access one's cellular memory matrix, activating their DNA and upgrading their reality paradigms.
Collectively, I access the group matrix of any given collective/group, and synchronize them into coherent quantum flow states.
I hold 3 degrees:
Bachelor's of Biology (specializing in Physiology)
Master's of Public Health (specializing in Global and Community Health)
Hon. Doctorate of Divinity
Special Projects
Space Exploration
Consciousness Studies (Noetics)
Quantum Computing (including Quantum Cryptography)
Epigenetics & Hologenetics
Ancestral Epigenetics
Global Health
Environmental Health
Community Development
Knowledge is Power
Our quantum reality is a holographic construct of vibrational patterns that have unlimited potential. The Quantum Field, or Akashic Field (Unified Field) is a dynamic series of interrelated planes or parallel interlaced and correlating dimensions compromised of scalar waves (subtle energy that exists everywhere as “empty space” or quantum vacuum, which isn’t empty at all, but rather filled with holographic information used to form, hold together, and sustain the entire material world). The Field organizes organic and inorganic biological systems that are comprised of both an active (animate) and passive (inanimate) aspects, where data is contained multidimensionally as archetypal ideas, thought-forms, and emotional memories (holographic templates “recorded” on the ether that serve as prototypes for creation in the physical realm and are accessed/absorbed into the mind through sympathetic resonance).


Leadership Consultation
(In-Person & Virtual)
$333+ hourly
Leadership Consultation sessions are ideal for leaders, CEOs, and changemakers. The integration of the Mindful Leadership approach offers practical tools for leaders seeking to build a deeper connection with themselves and those they lead, beginning with the cultivation of presence and awareness.
Sessions may focus on past, present, and future perspectives.

Space Exploration Consultation
(In-Person & Virtual)
$333+ hourly
Space Exploration Consultations provide guidance to ethical clients on interplanetary and intergalactic relations for the purpose of cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and consciousness expansion.
Sessions may focus on past, present, and future perspectives.

Community Development & Sustainability
(In-Person & Virtual)
$333+ hourly
The United Nations defines Community Development as "a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems." It is a concept applied to the practices of leaders, activists, involved citizens, and professionals to improve various aspects of communities, aiming to build stronger and more resilient local communities.
Sessions may focus on past, present, and future perspectives.

Past Life - Akashic Records
Reading & Regression
60 min - (In-Person & Virtual)
This session offers an akashic record reading of one's past life (or lives), as well as an energetic regression session. Various time vectors are assessed to discover the prominent themes that have been woven in through the fabric of spacetime. Past-life lessons and blessings are highlighted.
This is an intensive process, so please set intentions beforehand and hydrate well.
Energy Therapy
35 min - (Virtual, In-Person by Request)
This service involves a full subtle-body scan and re-alignment of life-force energy (known as Chi in Chinese and Prana in Sanskrit) stored in the chakras (energy centers) to support an energetic reset or rebalancing of the auric field and body at the cellular memory level (the DNA). This intensive type of healing works on the physical and non-physical levels, to facilitate full mind, body, heart, and soul healing.

Energy Therapy: Specialty Service
35 min - (Virtual, In-Person by Request)
Cord-cutting allows the release of people, places, and things which no longer serve. Stagnant energy is cleared, resulting in a higher vibrational frequency of the auric field.
Timeline realignment allows a reconfiguration of the individual's internal time vectors to align them to a more favorable timeline.

Ancestral Reading
(Intergenerational, Ancestral, Family, Inner-Child)
60 min - (In-Person & Virtual)
This service is for those who are looking to explore their ancestral roots, their ancestral traumas, their ancestral gifts, and their inner child. Ancestral/familial patterns are passed down epigenetically from generation to generation (intergenerationally). Inherited patterns may be felt by an individual even without experiencing it themselves firsthand. Ancestral work is an essential part of both the spiritual journey and intergenerational/transgenerational healing, highlighting epigenetic cycles of trauma, healing, reclamation, and empowerment in one's lifetime, as well as their familial lifetimes. Ancestral/familial relationships are explored, highlighting relational patterns and cycles.
Learn more about

Relationship Reading
60 min - (In-Person & Virtual)
This service is for those who are looking to explore their relationships. All relationships reflect one's relationship with themselves. Romantic, platonic, and other interpersonal relationships are explored, highlighting relational patterns and cycles.
Sessions may focus on past, present, and future perspectives.

Mindful Leadership
Mindful Leadership begins with the cultivation of presence and awareness in every action and decision. By adopting mindfulness practices, leaders can navigate the complexities of their roles with greater clarity, ensuring that each decision is strategic and impactful. Embracing the path of Mindful Leadership requires courage, openness, and a willingness to explore one's Higher Purpose.
Mindful Communication
At the heart of Mindful Leadership is the art of mindful communication – the ability to convey ideas and feedback in a way that is respectful, authentic, and effective. By practicing mindful listening and speaking, leaders build deeper connections, encouraging a culture of mutual trust, respect, and understanding to collaboratively design a new reality paradigm. Spoken words, whether internally or externally, form holographic images in the mind that are impressed on the ether, and permanently recorded as memory. The Language of Vibration involves perceiving, analyzing, interpreting, organizing, and communicating with the vibrational energy in the quantum field.
Inner World/Outer World
One's epigenetic expression (vibratory structure) may change quite notably throughout their lifetime. As the inner constitution changes, how one sees and what they see in the outer world changes simultaneously, because the inner and the outer act as two wave forms that resonate with each other forming an interference pattern that activates different aspects, while deactivating others, changing the DNA configuration. As one grows and develops into higher frequential states, and transforms mentally and emotionally, how things appear to them changes accordingly.
Meaningful Vision
Sustainable systemic success requires visions that are not only clear and achievable, but also resonate with personal and collective organizational values. Consideration must be taken of long-term perspectives, ensuring that objectives relate to building a legacy of meaningful impact.
Multidimensional Perspective
Multidimensional perspective refers to the consideration of multiple dimensions of reality, encouraging a holistic approach beyond linear thinking, taking into account various factors and possibilities. Multidimensionality can also refer to the complex interplay of factors that influence development across the lifespan.