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Vibration -The Language of the Soul

Each Soul, originated from the Source, or Infinite Consciousness, has a unique blueprint that has divine purpose, which is to learn, evolve, and experience various aspects of creation. The Soul acts as the vibrational repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are holographically embedded in the cellular matrix (DNA) and translated into the energetic reality of being. Matter as particles held together by an invisible field is what forms the primary substance of what we call reality.

Modern Buildings Hologram

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To create an organism, two epigenetic programs are required -

1.) geometric (i.e. a scheme, how to design the body), and 2.) linguistic, in the form of a meaningful text which contains instructions and explanations how to use the first program (how to understand and build the organism). These programs exist in the form of "DNA video tapes," which are used by the genetic apparatus, acting like a bio-computer. When the bio-computer reads these video tapes, sound and light images appear that constitute the movie program of the development of the organism.


DNA operates by the same principles as the mind and brain, where the acoustic aspect of information as “words” acts to form a visual holographic image in the imagination that turns the idea inherent in the words into a virtual reality. DNA translates ideas that are communicated by talking about them (through internal or external dialogue) into visual imagery as living scenarios, as words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages of written and spoken script that forms visual imagery in the mind’s eye.​​​​​

Auto Virtual Reality

Most thoughts are formed from what one has been taught (via light or sound), and has been incorporated to form mental paradigms as working models for perceiving and interpreting the outer world. Any information sent on radio/microwaves in the form of language and pictures, not only becomes a part of one's vibratory essence in terms of thinking and feeling, but also as the programming for the DNA of one's molecular structure as a corresponding physical equivalent, or the reality inherent in the thoughts.​ 


DNA operates predominately via radionics where whichever frequency its tuned to, is acts as a receiver for various forms of information within that same frequency that comes in as an acoustic wave, serving to form a field as a holographic shape that is composed initially of subtle energy which provides the blueprint or spatial mapping for constructing an exact replica of its material equivalent. DNA receives acoustic and optic information that forms a holographic image as an electromagnetic field that provides the blueprint (the etheric body used to construct the physical body).​​


DNA is always being re-informed by an energetic exchange of subtle energy with everything else around it that’s of a similar vibration, causing it to constantly flux and morph moment-by-moment based on the new information/data that absorbs from the environment that modifies its state. The genetic code of DNA isn’t static and fixed, but rather dynamic and always in the process of transforming based on the information as language that it acts to absorb, interpret, and shape into an idea.


The 98% of DNA which was previously deemed by science as "junk DNA" actually serves as a form of memory bank where information is both written/read or encoded/decoded, to form a virtual reality out of the information as the pattern or configuration inherent in the vibratory frequency. The most important aspect of one's personal development is controlling one's own thoughts, intentionally directing their attention onto desirable and beneficial ideas, and monitoring what one exposes themselves to. 

Image by National Cancer Institute

Epigenetic Healing

Energy therapy restructures, cleares, and re-codes DNA with consciousness, allowing new DNA strand fabric to be built geometrically through light and sound, creating new holographic projections and reality stabilizations.

DNA Composition


DNA is composed of a liquid crystalline substance that acts as an antenna, receiver, and transmitter of holographic information. DNA has the ability to both write and read genetic information. It’s constantly in the process of taking in information from its environment (the ether) as symbols, signs, archetypes, and imagery, and translating it into holograms. ​Information inherent in the Quantum Field (ether) always comes as a “pairing” or “wave coupling” (like the double helix) that contains both an acoustic sound and optical (visual) image as the geometric patterning inherent in the vibratory frequency. The two waves of information form an interference pattern that together produce a 3-D holographic image as the subtle templates for constructing the material form. Form properties always indicate function (how a system operates and behaves). Whenever one changes the information used to structure and operate a system, they change how the system forms, expresses, and functions as a whole. 




Tetrahedron lattice DNA structures create heat (light) signatures (the electric scanning micrograph shows the distribution of a 3D graph of annealing energy). When two single strands of DNA stick together to form a double helix with hydrogen bonds, it is called annealing. Annealing is a process where DNA is heated and cooled in a thermocycler so it can "stick" to a short primer and be replicated in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. When one creates a piece of glass for a window, they anneal it (heat it), the bonds solidify with the heating process, and when it cools it trains the shape. Consciousness is the annealer in these realms, the crystals in one's DNA are the window, and what is being projected is the holographic information of light in one's DNA. This could be a thought forming itself into an intention that gives rise to these suddenly cascading lattices of stored holographic information. They start out with one seed geometry in the middle, random, chaotic and entropic. It's stored there as potential energy, but as soon as it organizes itself into bonds, it creates connected thought expressions of one's consciousness in various dimensions. Cymatics beautifully demonstrate the deeper multidimensional connections of phasing in and out of realities, just like DNA.


When we look at the refraction pattern through a crystal, a projection occurs similar to a laser focused through a crystal. This refraction pattern reveals the structure of DNA in great detail. When one communicates with their cells' DNA blueprints, they are communicating with their soul. Their complete genome is a continuous thought expressed as cellular fractalization through dimensions, facilitating the blueprint of matter into physical experience. We are refining dimensional awareness into singularity points of presence as communication of the soul's establishing Omnipresence. The sonoluminescence of holographic projection are frequencies branching fractals throughout the space-time continuum.




Molecular Clocks


The molecular clock is a figurative term for a technique that uses the mutation rate of biomolecules to deduce the time in history when two or more life forms diverged. The biomolecular data used for such calculations are usually nucleotide sequences for DNA, RNA, or amino acid sequences for proteins.


Some evolutionary changes occur in a clock-like fashion. Over the course of millions of years, mutations may have built up in any given stretch of DNA at a reliable rate. For example,the gene that codes for the protein alpha-globin (a component of hemoglobin) experiences base changes at a rate of .56 changes per base pair per billion years. If this rate is reliable, the gene could be used as a molecular clock.

Image by National Cancer Institute

Heart Based Healing

The heart is not just a pump; it is a highly-energetic toroidal-vortex generator, which generates not only electromagnetic waves, but also scalar waves. Scalar waves are are capable of instantaneous transmission across any distance, and are hypothesized to exist in the time domain rather than the 3D space. The heart's energy field can influence DNA at a distance through quantum coherent non-local interactions. The heart's apparent ability to respond to future stimuli before they occur (as demonstrated by the Heart Math Institute research) indicates a more complex relationship with time than the linear models suggest.

The heart's vortex can be seen as a temporal singularity, a point where past, present, and future converge. The heart continuously processes information from all points in time, while conscious awareness has been usually limited to the "present" slice of this temporal spectrum.​ Fritz-Albert Popp's biophoton research suggests that cells communicate via coherent light emissions. The heart's field orchestrates this biophotonic communication network, creating a body-wide coherent light-field. Cells store light in the form of coherent biophotos. The heart's vortex field regulates this cellular light storage and release, effectively making the body a dynamic, coherent, light-based information processing system.

Image by Zuza Reinhard

Multidimensional Perspectives

The physical body is only one part in the vastly complex system of one's consciousness. Advancements in scientific theories, such as the theory of entanglement in quantum physics, advises that there is a physical body and a spiritual body – two separate components that make up your one being – support this. We are multi-faceted, multi-dimensional beings.


We constantly exchange information with a higher aspect of ourselves, existing beyond the physical realm. The soul holds a wealth of knowledge and can be accessed through practices like meditation and intuition. Even without conscious effort, we receive subtle guidance from this greater consciousness throughout our lives. Since the physical body is just one aspect of who one is, the non-physical aspects also hold influence.


Imagine your body as a complex instrument, designed to resonate with the universe's frequencies. You were designed as a synchronistic system, the ultimate sensory machine, that flows with the frequencies of the universe. There are multiple levels or dimensions to who you are called the 7 Subtle Bodies or the 7 Layers of the Aura: Physical, mental, etheric template, emotional, astral, spiritual (celestial), and casual (ketheric). These layers make up the biofield, a large, invisible energy field that extends about 8 feet from the body. Researchers are currently studying the science of the biofield and potential healing opportunities that understanding it may present. The system of your body, which is at the microcosm level, is representative of the systems and functions at the macrocosm. As within, so without.

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